
Edit a Post’s Layout

Editing a posts layout is different from editing a post’s content. The content is specific to each post. The layout remains the same across all posts. Making a change to how something is laid out on a post will change the position of the item across all posts.


Editing the Footer

The Footer-type Themer layout in Beaver Themer overrides your theme’s footer and footer widget (if there is one) area at the bottom of a page. Hover over the “beaver builder” link in the admin bar and select “footer” to launch the builder. 


Understanding Beaver Themer

We use beaver themer to create custom header, footer, blog page, and shop page layouts to best suit your site’s aesthetic and the content you want placed in them.


Edit a Post’s Content

To edit the content of a post, you will click “edit post” and you will not click the beaver builder link from the admin bar. 


The WordPress Editor

The WordPress Editor is a brand-new publishing experience. You can use it to create media-rich pages and posts and to control their layout with ease. Instead of worrying about the alignment and organization of text, quotes, and images, now every element on a post or page has its own block — and you can focus on creating.


Create a New Post

To create a new Post, hover over “New” from the admin bar and then click “Post.” You can also add a new post from the dashboard admin panel: hover over “Posts” and click “add new.” 


Edit a Page’s Content and Layout

To edit a page’s name or SEO info click “edit page” from the admin bar. To edit the text content, images, modules or layout of a page, click “Beaver Builder” from the admin bar. 


Create a New Page

To create a new Page, hover over “New” from the admin bar and then click “Page.” You can also add a new page from the dashboard admin panel: hover over “Pages” and click “add new.”

  • Select Category

  • Select Tag