Yoast Social – Twitter
Want to change the look of the Twitter Card for a specific post or page? Just use the form on the Social tab. Here you can tweak specific properties to your liking.
Yoast Social – Facebook
You can edit the Open Graph tags by going to the Yoast SEO Metabox, clicking on the share icon, and then entering in your custom Facebook and Meta Descriptions. You can also upload a unique image for Facebook as well.
Social Accounts in Yoast
In the Yoast SEO plugin, you’ll find a Social menu. In this post, we’ll explain what it does and what you should do when you’ve installed the plugin. We’ll focus on Facebook and Twitter, as these are the biggest networks out there.
Editing the Footer
The Footer-type Themer layout in Beaver Themer overrides your theme’s footer and footer widget (if there is one) area at the bottom of a page. Hover over the “beaver builder” link in the admin bar and select “footer” to launch the builder.
Editing the Header
The Header-type Themer layout in Beaver Themer overrides the theme’s top bar, header, and navigation area. Hover over the “beaver builder” link in the admin bar and select “header” to launch the builder.
Customizing Your Social Section
By adding a Social section to your site, you can add button links to your social media accounts. Options include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Google+.